
Showing posts from February, 2022

The 3-Step Painting Technique That Will Change Your Landscape Painting Game

Painting a landscape is an art of patience. It takes a lot of time and dedication to paint a landscape as you see it in your mind. You will have to be patient while waiting for the paint to dry so it can be applied on the canvas at the right consistency. With this process, your painting will never come out perfect, but it can become something amazing. This is what makes painting landscapes such a fun and rewarding experience for those who are dedicated enough. Here, landscape painter Yitzy Rosengarten shares a 3-step painting technique that will change your landscape painting game.     The Basic Principles of a Landscape Painting According to Yitzy Rosengarten, who dedicates on creating landscape paintings , the basic principles that apply to landscape painting are time and patience. All three are necessary for a successful landscape painting. -Time: The amount of time it takes to complete your landscape painting will depend on how complex or intricate your design is. In ge...